How did All County Franchise get started?

How did All County Franchise get Started?

All County Property Management has over 50 offices across the country. But it didn’t start out this way.

Back in 1990 Sandy Ferrera was a single-mom just trying to support her two boys. A few real-estate deals went south and cost her $16,000 in commissions. This is when Sandy knew it was time for a change.

Sandy made the shift from real-estate sales to property management and the rest is history.

Watch the video below and learn how a single-mother with two boys to raise started a national franchise with 50 offices across the country.

Watch the video and check out the transcript below.

And if you want to know more about the All County Franchise Opportunity then I encourage you to download the All County Brochure. It is a good place to start.

Want to get notified the next time we upload videos like the one above? It’s easy, simply subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Video Transcript:


Sandy Ferrera:

One of the things that I get asked frequently is, “How did you get into property management? What attracted you to property management?” Because if you go back 28 years, it wasn’t really a known concept. And I was bread young as an entrepreneur and my first businesses where I used to buy and fix up and then sell coin laundromats, and it was a very lucrative business. The problem was in order to really do well you didn’t always go in the best areas, and for a young lady it probably wasn’t the safest way for me to make a living.

So I moved into what I call traditional real estate which is the buying and selling of properties. I started acquiring my own investment properties and I worked with a number of investors and I found that there was a real need for what we do, and that was managing these assets for these investors. And so as I started to transition that way I realized that the neatest thing about this business was the residual income, it was the regular revenue stream. I mean when I was selling traditional real estate it was dependent on the title company, the mortgage company, all of these start lining up. And property management, once I put the deal together I then just kind of had to babysit it and make sure that things were moving smoothly. And so I got out of traditional real estate, went into property management full time, and I’ve been through pretty much every economic change that you can go through in the real estate cycle after doing this for 28 years.

I love this business, it’s a great residual income if you do it properly and no matter what forest you’re after, if you’re in an economy where things are not going so well, housing is still a basic need. Yes, your rents drop, but your demand rises. And if you’re in an environment where everything is selling off the shelves and there’s not a lot of surplus, well then guess what the housing prices do? Well, they do up.

It really is a neat business model in the aspect that it really doesn’t matter what’s going on, there’s always a demand and there’s always that residual income.

Brandon (Behind Camera):

Yeah, you’re kind of hitting on a basic human need of shelter. We’re always going to be in demand.

Sandy Ferrera:

Yeah, it is. Housing is a basic need. And we really focus on middle America, not your super high end, not your low end, middle America. We want to help the individual that we want to work with, that’s going to make a good relationship longterm. I’ve had a tenant that lived in a property for 14 years. Those are the kind of tenants that are wonderful. Now we have the tenants that may move, only live with us for a year, reside with us for a year because they want to buy a house or they’re moving to another area, and those are great too. But the idea is we go after that personal relationship and I think that sets us apart. Yes, we’re in business to make money, there is no doubt about it, but there is a customer service aspect that we really focus on and we build relationships. We’re building relationships with our franchisees, we’re building relationships with our investors, we’re building relationships with our customers, tenants – who knows, they later become our investors – we build relationships with our realtor partners and our vendors, and we really are in the business of building relationships and longterm commitments.


How does All County handle leadership?

How does All County Property Management Franchise approach leadership?

As the lead digital strategist for All County I had the opportunity to interview All County’s CEO, Sandy Ferrera, and ask her about leadership.

The entire interview lasted just over an hour, and one of the questions I asked was “What have you learned from interacting with your franchise owners and helping them grow their businesses?”.

Her response can be summed up in one word: Communication.

It is important to remember that everyone in the All County organization needs to work together to succeed, regardless of someone’s religious views or political affiliation.

Watch the video and check out its transcript below to hear the rest of what Sandy has to say about being a business leader in a nationwide franchise.

And if you want to know more about the All County Franchise Opportunity then I encourage you to download the All County Brochure. It is a good place to start.

Want to get notified the next time we upload videos like the one above? It’s easy, simply subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Video Transcript:


Sandy Ferrera:

Interaction with the franchisee is very important. You guys don’t have to have the same political views, you don’t have to have the same religious views, but when it comes to business and support a franchisor and a franchisee needs to be on the same page. I mean you’re after the same thing, success. And there are times when you have to have hard conversations, conversations that aren’t always pleasant but are in the best interest of the franchisee. And I think that when you have somebody come through that you don’t necessarily set up well with you’ve got to listen to your gut because if you don’t have a second party there to fall back on you could be setting that person up for failure, and for us failure is not an option. We want to see everyone succeed.

Should you invest in a Property Management Franchise?

Should you invest in a property management franchise?

Well… it depends.

It depends on your goals, on your interests, on your financial resources, and on so many other factors…

So it is hard to explicitly answer the question ‘Should you invest in a property management franchise?’, but you may learn a thing or two from the CEO of All County Property Management.

As the lead digital strategist for All County I had the opportunity to sit down with All County’s CEO, Sandy Ferrera, and ask her a few questions about the All County Franchise Opportunity.

I specifically asked her the question “What do you get out of an all county franchise?” and her response was captured in the video below.

So watch the video and check out its transcript below to hear what our CEO has to say about what you’ll get from investing in an All County Property Management Franchise.

And if you want to know more about the All County Franchise Opportunity then I encourage you to download the All County Brochure.

Want to get notified the next time we upload videos like the one above? It’s easy, simply subscribe to our YouTube channel.


Video Transcript:


Sandy Ferrera:

So buying into a franchise, any franchise, you’re going to get a lot. With All County obviously you get the standard package that everybody else gets. I mean you get a website, you get the software and the tools and the training and the commencement assistance and all of those things. I think where you really need to look at when you’re looking at a business is you really need to dig down. You need to talk to the people that are in the business that have worked with the franchisor and find out, “What happens after I open my doors? Does the support stop? What happens when I hit the five-year mark? Is the anybody there to help me get over the next hurdle? What happens if I get sick or, God forbid, I lose a spouse? What happens in these situations?”

And for us, our business model is a little bit different. Yes, you’re buying a business in a box, you’re getting all the tools to go out there and build your own business. But you’re never going to be in the business alone. We’re always going to be there walking beside you to ensure that if you do fall down and skin your knee that there’s somebody there to pick you up, brush you off, and get you back on the path. And maybe that’s not right, maybe that’s not the best financial path for us as the franchisors, but because of our relationship with our franchisees it’s the path we’ve taken. And so our support ongoing, it doesn’t end, not after a year, not after three years, it just keeps going because the more profitable our franchisees are obviously the more profitable we are.

And success comes in many forms. Yes, a lot of us measure success by the bottom line, the dollars we make. But I find success in so many areas. I’m fulfilled financially, I’m fulfilled personally. I enjoy life, I enjoy the experiences that go along with what we’ve created here. And I really get enthusiastic when we move into a new arena, in unchartered territory, groundbreaking things for our franchisees. So when we have the ability to roll out something that’s going to change their business or be dynamic, I think that’s really exciting. So for us I don’t think it ever stops.

So when you ask the question of what do you get when you buy a business, I’m not sure I have the answer because I’m not sure I found all the answers yet. I think it’s going to keep growing and multiplying.


Do Real Estate Brokers Make Good Franchise Owners?

So do Real Estate Brokers make good Franchisees for All County Franchise?

In short… yes!

Our Director of Digital Strategy, Brandon Paul, got an opportunity to sit down All County’s CEO Sandy Ferrera to ask her about what makes a good franchise owner. Her response offers valuable insight into All County as a business as well as what it takes to be a good franchise owner. Be wary though, her response might make you want to change careers…

Check out the video and its transcript below.

Want to get notified the next time we upload videos like the one above? It’s easy, simply subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Video Transcript:

Sandy Ferrera:

For a real estate broker, a lot of time they’re specializing in sales and listings. I call it traditional real estate. They don’t have the tools and the training to have a high volume property management business. By getting into a property management franchise that’s standalone from their real estate business, number one it gives them the ability to really do high volume – we have all the tools and the training. But it also sets them apart so other real estate offices can refer them business and they don’t feel like they’re going to be competing and that they’re going to steal their sales and listings because that business just does the property management, the real estate sales business would be completely separate.

I think that the residual income is very attractive and I think it’s a great third leg to the stool if they’re already doing listings and sales.

Brandon (From Behind Camera):

And you used to be in real estate before property management?

Sandy Ferrera:

I made a very good living doing traditional real estate. I was the sole bread winner for my family and I walked away from a very, very lucrative career. The problem was the business calls for a lot of evenings and weekends and I had two small boys and that wasn’t going to work for me. I mean my time with my children is paramount. I had one individual that wanted me to show them houses on Christmas day. They were from the United Kingdom, I get it, they were here on holiday and they wanted to buy a place on the beach, but I was on holiday with my children. That aspect of real estate was not appealing to me. The fact that I didn’t control my own money was not appealing to me.

Back then I had $16,000 on the books, which doesn’t seem like much now, but for me it was a lot of money, and they were solid deals. One guy quit his job two days before closing. One pool was two inches in the easement. How do you move a pool two inches? And then the other one just fell apart, I don’t even remember why. And so when I lost those $16,000 in commissions it was tough because that’s how I made my livelihood.

And so I think that the property management really appealed to me because it was a steady income, I mean I could create a budget, I knew exactly how much money I had coming in, I knew exactly what I had going out the door. I could create my own hours, I was home at night to tuck the kids in. I wasn’t running out showing houses on the weekends. And even back then when I carried a pager 24 hours a day an emergency consisted of me picking up the phone and arranging for a vendor. I didn’t have to physically go out to the property.

So money was important, stability was important, but my time with my family was extremely important. And I think that when you put all those things together it’s what allowed me to walk away from a six-figure income.


The Franchise Recruitment process can feel overwhelming at times.

To make your life easier, we put together this guide that will walk you through the entire application process.

7 Simple Steps to Owning a Franchise

Here are 7 simple steps to researching, evaluating, and owning and All-County Franchise. Let’s jump right in.


Gather information about us and our industry.

  • Browse our website, understand the type of business you’re buying, and get to know the industry.
  • Visit to get started researching.


Fill out the form on our LEARN MORE page and talk to our Franchise Consultant (You can find the form at

  • Tell us your objectives for business ownership, your timeline, investment range and direction for the future.
  • We’ll share our vision, our own objectives, and the reasons that we believe All County is a unique opportunity.
  • Together we’ll determine if we’re a good fit.


Your completion of our Franchise Application form tells us your are serious about the All-County franchise system.


The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) provides in-depth information about our company and franchise system. It also outlines the obligations of all parties and should be read thoroughly.


Our franchisees give us great reviews, and you can speak with as many of them as you wish.

  • Speaking with current franchisees is a great way to validate your research and get feedback from people already in the business.
  • When you speak with our franchise consultant, ask them about how you can get in touch with our current franchisees.


Meet the Team Days are helping at our home office in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

  • You will have the opportunity to see our business first-hand.
  • At this meeting, you’ll get a deeper understanding of the All-County business model and our commitment to success.
  • There is no obligation or commitment required by attending a Meet the Team Day.


This is the time for final decision making. A Franchise Agreement will be prepared for your signature.


We’re excited that you are interested in an All-County Franchise opportunity. Just stick to this guide as you are going through the application process and you’ll always know what your next step is.

If you want additional resources to keep all of this organized then download our Franchise Application Checklist to keep track of your progress.

Download a PDF of Your Franchise Application Checklist Here.

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(NOTE: Download the walkthrough “7 Simple Steps to Owning a Franchise” for a more detailed overview of each step in the application process. Clickable links are included. Download the walkthrough here.)